
StarScape is a plugin for Cinema 4D.

If you’ve tried to create a space scene in Cinema 4D, you will have surely tried to use the ‘Starfield’ shader provided. And been sorely disappointed with the result. The shader only produces an extremely simple star field; what is really needed is one where you can adjust star numbers, colour, size, and so on. This shader tries to give a better star field; it is entirely procedural, highly configurable, and doesn’t require that you search for a suitable bitmap instead (and end up using the same one as everyone else). Now you can create star fields that are unique to your scene.

(February 2025) Please be aware that a bug has come to light in the initial release of StarScape. In some circumstances the plugin may fail to save the details of all the star layers other than the current one. If you enable more than one layer, the layer values may not be saved to disk when the scene file is saved. It will render fine while the scene is open, but may not save correctly. This is being worked on and a fix should be available soon. Apologies for any inconvenience in the meantime.

These are some of the renders possible with this shader. Click the small image to see the larger render.

  • basic_starfield
  • basic_starfield_250density
  • two_layers_coloured_layer2
  • horizon_effect2
  • simple_masking
  • milkyway_effect
  • three_layers_two_masked
  • three_layers_two_masked_rotated_mask
  • decorative

This screenshot of the user interface shows the available controls in star field mode (you can also generate large single stars complete with sunspots):

The shader has up to 10 layers, all of which have their own set of parameters. In the image at the top of this page, four layers were used; three with starfields with stars of different sizes, then a single star on the top layer. You can mask out parts of the star field, with some other shader such as Noise, for example, and each layer can have its own mask.

With StarScape you can produce almost any starfield you like and apply it to an object (such as a Plane object) or the Background or Sky objects in Cinema 4D.


StarScape is the first in a series of 'space scene' shaders and objects. It is, of course, completely free. You can download a copy from the links below.


StarScape is compatible with the following versions of Cinema 4D:

Cinema 4D version Compatible?
R2024 Yes
R2025 Yes (Windows only - see this blog article for details)

There are no versions of StarScape for C4D R2023 or earlier.


Download StarScape for R2024

Download StarScape for R2025 (Windows only)


Page last updated September 25th 2024